Aadesh Films is coming up with critically acclaimed female oriented movie titled ‘Pavithra’ featuring Shriya Saran in title role and Sai Kumar, Roja, Tanikella Bharani, Kaushik Babu, AVS in other...Continue reading
Director Lakshmikanth Chenna’s ‘Kameena’ is the Telugu remake of Hindi movie ‘Johnny Gaddar’. The film features Krish, Lekha Washington, Sai Kumar, Roja and Brahmaji in central roles. Vara Prasad...Continue reading
‘Sanchalanam’ starring Sai Kumar and Kamalakar is presently in post production works and is slated for release in July. The film is taking shape in the hands of director BV Ramana Reddy and is bei...Continue reading
'Gandharwa' is an upcoming movie starring 'George Reddy' fame Sandeep Madhav as the male lead. Gayatri R Suresh and Akshatha are the heroines. Dialogue King Sai Kumar and Suresh are playing crucial...Continue reading
Shanmukha Arts banner is producing a historical film in Telugu and Kannada languages with Sai Kumar as the lead and Smt. Suseela as presenter. Nandi Kameswara Reddy is directing this film. We have ...Continue reading
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