We all know that ‘Malupu’ is being made as a prestigious Telugu-Tamil bi-lingual film directed by renowned senior director Raviraja Pinisetty’s elder son Sathya Prabhas Pinisetty under their home b...Continue reading
'Rangasthalam' actor Aadhi Pinisetty, who was seen earlier this year in 'Good Luck Sakhi' and 'Clap', is going a bilingual with director Arivazhagan of 'Vaishali' fame. On Wednesday, 7G Films Siva ...Continue reading
The release date of ‘Gundello Godari’ has been once again shifted from February 21st to March 8th. This much awaited Lakshmi Manchu, Aadi Pinisetty, Sundeep Kishan and Taapsee starrer has been pus...Continue reading
Actor Aadhi Pinisetty who is playing an important role in ‘U Turn,’ has had his first look unveiled. Aadhi is said to be seen as a police officer in the movie which is touted to be a mu...Continue reading
'Clap', starring Aadhi Pinisetty as an athlete, is a Prithvi Adithya directorial. A sports drama, its teaser will be unveiled on September 6. The 'Rangasthalam' actor is playing a sprinter in the ...Continue reading
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