Sai Dharam Tej is currently doing an untitled mystical thriller under the direction of Karthik Dandu. The news is that the film's teaser will drop on December 7. As per media reports, the teaser w...Continue reading
On the eve of Republic Day, ZEE5 has come up with new offerings. Exactly a month after the theatrical release of Sai Dharam Tej's 'Solo Brathuke So Better', the rom-com has started premiering on th...Continue reading
Everyone knows Sai Dharam Tej’s passion towards sports and Cricket but few know that Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej is an extreme lover of adventure sports. Sai Dharam Tej recently signed on as ...Continue reading
'Supreme' Hero Sai Dharam Tej and Anil Ravipudi's 'Supreme' is going to have a grand release in the first week of May. Sai Dharam Tej and Rashi Khanna will be seen in lead roles and this is Anil Ra...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej’s maiden film ‘Rey’ which is being directed and produced by YVS Chowdary on his home banner ‘Bommarillu Vaaru’, will have its audio released in 1st week of December. YVS Chowdary...Continue reading
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