Naveen Chandra, who was recently seen in 'Miss India' and 'Bhanumathi Ramakrishna', is currently doing a political-cop film titled 'Mission 2020'. Directed by Karanam Babji of 'Mental Police' and '...Continue reading
Teja took a deep breath with the decent response coming for his latest release ‘Neeku Naaku’. Now the filmmaker is preparing for his next project and selected the title as ‘Premals Domals’. It’s ...Continue reading
We have so far seen the layouts and models of buildings, industrial plants, towns, etc. But for the first time director Teja is implementing a new concept in filmmaking, i.e., he has designed the ...Continue reading
The Multi-Dimension Production house is planning a film in the combination of Rana and Teja. As per the Film Nagar sources Rana and Teja are currently discussing the story. If all goes well this ...Continue reading
A Tribute to a person, who considered ‘People as God and Society as a Temple’ and the person who has spread the pride and self-respect of Telugu across the World. Sri Nandamuri Tarakara...Continue reading
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