A new web series titled 'Athidhi' is all set to be streamed on Disney+ Hotstar from September 19. The horror thriller stars Venu Thottempudi as the male protagonist. This is his OTT debut. "What ha...Continue reading
'The Ghost' is heading to theatres on October 5 for Dasara. The high-octane and explosive extravaganza has Akkineni Nagarjuna as an Interpol agent named Agent Vikram. A while ago, Nag and director...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
RIGHT HAND, FISH VENKAT AND GANG Now, Jackie has an entourage. His most trusted Right Hand is a serious guy who takes his job seriously with a serious intention to seriously become his boss’...Continue reading
Rajashekar is on cloud nine. His comeback film 'Garuda Vega' has hit the bulls-eye. The film has done pretty well and is a perfect comeback for him. What next? is the next question. What will Raj...Continue reading
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