Nandamuri Balakrishna's 109th movie is directed by Bobby Kolli. The movie's Title Teaser is out and the statement is powerful. The 'Akhanda' actor, after playing ferocious roles as a factionist, a...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu is awestruck by Keerthy Suresh's beauty in Parasuram Petla-directed 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata'. A video glimpse of 'Kalaavati' was released today by an excited team, which is happy to have c...Continue reading
The audio rights of young tiger NTR's upcoming film, 'Baadshah', have been acquired by Aditya Music. The audio is set to be released on March 10th. Thaman is the music director of this film. Th...Continue reading
So the final wait is over for Mahesh Babu-Srinu Vaitla’s ‘Aagadu’. The film is going to be launched on Friday morning without any media coverage amid few film personalities at Ramanaidu Studios...Continue reading
Filming of Allu Arjun and Shruti Haasan starer 'Race Gurram' is completed except for two songs. Shooting for one of the songs on Allu Arjun and Shruti Haasan will resume on February 15. Music is ...Continue reading
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