A few weeks ago, actor Nani announced a film under his banner Wall Poster Cinema. Titled 'Meet Cute', it is directed by his sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The news is that the film is o...Continue reading
Nani starrer Jersey is gearing up for a grand release on the 19th April. The film has completed the Censor formalities. The film has been awarded a clean U certificate by the board. Nani plays the...Continue reading
Apart from star heroes, comedians plays significant role in movie success. Around 80 percent of the films in Tollywood including big budget commercial films are out and out comedy entertainers. Man...Continue reading
Nani and Nagarjuna starrer Devadas had its first look unveiled today. Directed by Sriram Aditya, this film is being produced by Ashwini Dutt. The first look shows both Nagarjuna and Nani sleeping....Continue reading
Natural Star Nani seems to be suggesting in his pre-'Dasara' interviews that he has delivered no flop since 'Devadas' in 2018. Let's analyze his filmography and his remarks. 'V' and 'Tuck Jagadish...Continue reading
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