'Balamevvadu' is an upcoming movie that focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, resulting in loot and worse. Dhruvan Katakam is the hero, the movie stars Niya Tripa...Continue reading
'Nallamalla' is touted to be a story-based film that explores several dark aspects of the Nallamalla forests. The news is that popular artist Nasser has unveiled the film's new single. Titled 'Erup...Continue reading
The concept teaser from 'Balamevvadu' was out yesterday. The concept focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, while they loot money from the desperate people. Dhruva...Continue reading
MATINEE ENTERTAINMENT in association with PVP CINEMA is presenting GHAZI, the first of its kind Indian movie based on submarine action. Makers have released Ghazi Telugu version first look poster t...Continue reading
‘Nanda Nandita’ starring D Surya and Meghanaraj as lead pair, is ready for release on March 9th. The post production works have reached the final stage. Ram Shiv directed this film and Chinta Ram...Continue reading
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