'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Produced on a rich scale by Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati (IAF), the film's title l...Continue reading
'Mahaan', starring Vikram and his son Dhruv Vikram, is directed by Karthik Subbaraj and produced by Lalit Kumar of Seven Screen Studio. Featuring Bobby Simha and Simran in important roles, the film...Continue reading
Mythri Movie Makers, which distributed the Sankranthi blockbuster 'HanuMan', has been on a roll. It is going to distribute at least four major upcoming non-Telugu movies in the coming months. Firs...Continue reading
While his ‘Siva Tandavam’ is ready for release on September 28st, Vikram is now preparing himself to shoot his next scenes in Shankar’s ‘Manoharudu’. It’s the 2nd schedule which will take place in...Continue reading
Keerthy Suresh has some of the best films in her kitty. She is acting opposite Pawan Kalyan in director Trivikram's film. Also there is Mahanati, in which she will act as Savitri. Now another plus...Continue reading
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