'Major', which is directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, is an action drama. The film is based on the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks and Major Sundeep Unnikrishnan's heroism. "A song I personally love," Superstar M...Continue reading
Ravikanth director and Adah Sharma have both been replaced by Advi Sesh. Apparently Ravikanth had a fallout with Adivi Sesh about the script of his next and Adah Sharma was not happy with her role ...Continue reading
On Thursday, the trailer of 'Shekar' was released at the hands of Adivi Sesh. Starring Dr. Rajasekhar as a retired cop and his daughter Shivani as his onscreen daughter, the movie will be released ...Continue reading
The remake of popular Bollywood film ‘2 States’ was launched today. This film will have Adivi Sesh and Shivani Rajasekhar in the lead. This is Lakshya Productions first film in associat...Continue reading
"A Film that Spans Continents. A Spy who Fights for his Country," tweeted Adivi Sesh, unveiling the pre-vision video of 'G2', a sequel to 'Goodachari'. The semi-patriotic spy drama, to be released ...Continue reading
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