Natural star Nani appears in Satya Dev's Daare Leda music video. The movie Daare Leda features Satya Dev and Roopa Koduvayur. The movie revolves around the lives of a couple, who happen to be...Continue reading
We already know that Jagapathi Babu will be giving his voice for The Lion King. Disney has announced that actor Nani will be giving the voice for Simba in the Telugu version of ‘The Lion King...Continue reading
As planned and announced the reality show Bigg Boss 3 will commence on 21st July. There will be no change in the date. Many cases have been filed on this show. The team and Nagarjuna seemed to be d...Continue reading
Nani starrer Gentleman is having a successful second week run at the box-office. The film has touched dollar 800k mark already. Another one week and it might join the $ 1k league. Nani’s film mi...Continue reading
'LOL Salaam', the six-episode web series, is all set to be streamed on ZEE5 from June 25. Nani has unveiled its trailer. "Our series is a comedy about five friends going on a trip to let their hai...Continue reading
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