‘Karthi 17’ is a mega budget film starring Karthi. The film is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Prince Pictures, S. Lakshman Kumar. Following the critically acclaimed...Continue reading
K E Gnanavel Raja, who earlier delivered super hits like ‘Yuganiki Okkadu’, ‘Aawara’, ‘Naa Peru Siva’, ‘Yamudu’ and ‘Singham’ on his banner Studio Green earlier, now came out with the film ‘Biriy...Continue reading
Looking back into the list of movies that Pandiraj has made, he has always attempted with impressing family audiences. Over here, he is back with same method, this time with a much more significant...Continue reading
It is already known that King Nagarjuna, Tamil actor Karthi and Milky Beauty Tamanna have teamed up for a multi-starrer prestigious film. The makers have confirmed ‘Oopiri’ title for this bi-lingua...Continue reading
After the release of 'Ponniyin Selvan 1' last year, it was aptly described by critics as Mani Ratnam's magnum opus. It is time for its second installment. The trailer for 'Ponniyin Selvan 2' is ou...Continue reading
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