Going by its title ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’, the audience would definitely think that the story of the film is on films backdrop. However, ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’ is a crime comedy film that would thrill...Continue reading
‘Man of the Match’ movie is directed by 'Tammudu' fame P A Arun Prasad and it is being produced by B Satyanarayana under the banner of Abhi Studios. Daughters of producer B Satyanarayana, Madhavi ...Continue reading
'Sasanasabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Starring Indra Sena as its main lead, the film has senior artist Rajendra Prasad in the role of an honest and true politician. R...Continue reading
Under hit director, Anil Ravipudi's presentation, the movie Gaali Sampath starring senior actor Rajendra Prasad and young hero Sree Vishnu, is all set for its release on 11th March. Anil Ravipudi h...Continue reading
Speaking on the occasion, producer ML Kumar Chowdhary said, "The title is superb. I am looking forward to the combination of Rajendra Prasad garu and Sree Vishnu." Director Gopichand Malineni said...Continue reading
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