Telugu's famous actor Brahmaji had recently tweeted that he wished the Indian government would give away the prestigious award Padma Bhushan to Sonu Sood. He also mentioned that Sonu Sood has helpe...Continue reading
'#MENTOO', starring Naresh Agastya, Brahmaji, Harsha Chemudu, and Nellore Sudharshan as male leads, has locked its release date. The buddy comedy will head to the theatres on May 5. The Summer rel...Continue reading
Brahmaji, who started off his film career with small roles and became popular by playing JD’s friend in Krishna Vamsi’s debut film ‘Gulabi’ appears to have got the promotion now. Yes! Now for the ...Continue reading
The team of 'Telangana Devudu' has wished the people of Telangana on the State Formation Day today. The makers said that their film is about a great leader who launched a movement for Statehood for...Continue reading
'Slum Dog Husband' stars Sanjay Rao in the lead. The family comedy is slated to hit the cinemas on July 29. Co-starring Pranavi Manukonda, the film's pre-release event was held on Thursday. Speaki...Continue reading
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