Actor Raj Tarun is currently doing a film with Konda Vijay Kumar, the 'Orey Bujjiga' director. It is titled 'Power Play'. The news is that Rana Daggubati has unveiled the film's first look and moti...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 is gearing up for a grand release on the 28th of April. The film was said to be having a runtime of three hours. Contradicting this, the team has submitted the film which has a runtime...Continue reading
Initially it was said that Tabu will be essaying an important role in Virata Parvam, starring Rana and Sai Pallavi. Since the shooting of the film was delayed, Tabu left the film. Nandita Das has b...Continue reading
Bigg Boss Telugu 5 will reportedly be aired starting September first week. While it's believed that Akkineni Nagarjuna has been retained as the host of the show, there are rumours that the producer...Continue reading
'Pareshan' is the title of an upcoming village-based comedy headlined by Thiruveer of 'George Reddy' and the more recent 'Masooda' fame. Starring Pavani Karanam as the male lead's girlfriend, the f...Continue reading
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