Suhas is awaiting the theatrical release of 'Writer Padmabhushan', which is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The news is that Chait Bisket Films and Lahari Films have set out on prom...Continue reading
'Janaka Aithe Ganaka' will head to theatres on October 12. Its pre release event was held on Sunday. Minister Kollu Ravindra said, "I congratulate the natural hero Suhas. Even though Sangeerthana ...Continue reading
Suhas is awaiting the theatrical release of 'Writer Padmabhushan', which is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The news is that Chait Bisket Films and Lahari Films have held early prem...Continue reading
‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’ is the title of an upcoming movie starring Suhas of 'Colour Photo' fame in the lead. To be produced jointly by GA2 Pictures and director Venkatesh Maha's Maha...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani’s 'Ante Sundaraniki' is going to head to theatres this Summer. The news is that its production works have been wrapped up successfully. The 'Shyam Singha Roy' actor put out ...Continue reading
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