'FIR', the dark action thriller (made in Tamil and dubbed in Telugu), will be released in theatres on February 11. A day after a romantic song titled 'Payanam' was released, its trailer has dropped...Continue reading
It is known that Chennai has been reeling under severe floods for the past 36 hours or so. Early on Tuesday, actor Vishnu Vishal raised an SOS, saying that he had been stranded in his residence. He...Continue reading
Aishwarya Rajinikanth is currently directing a pan-Indian film titled 'Lal Salaam'. The Tamil-language original's first song was released yesterday. At nearly eight minutes, the chariot festival so...Continue reading
'Matti Kusthi' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Kollywood actor Vishnu Vishal in the lead. Helmed by Chella Ayyavu, the two-language release will hit the cinemas on December 2. On Sunday...Continue reading
The celebrity couple- Jwala Gutta and Vishnu Vishal who got engaged in September last year are all set to tie the knots soon. The couple has decided to take their wedding vows in a private cere...Continue reading
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