Sudheer Babu's upcoming collaboration with Mohanakrishna Indraganti is titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali'. The rom-com is heading to theatres on September 16. The news is that the film's t...Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. The release date was made official today. Directed by Harshavardhan of 'A...Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. The film's trailer was launched today digitally by Mahesh Babu. Parasuram,...Continue reading
'Mama Mascheendra' is the title of Sudheer Babu's first-ever bilingual. Directed by writer and 'Amrutham' fame Harshavardhan, the film is being made in Telugu and Hindi. The news is that, on Tuesd...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu-Nandita starrer ‘Prema Katha Chitram’, which was directed by J Prabhakar Reddy under the supervision of Maruthi was released on June 7th and running in theaters with positive talk a...Continue reading
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