'Anni Manchi Sakunamule' is slated to hit the cinemas on May 18. The family drama is directed by Nandini Reddy. A song titled 'Cheyyi Cheyyi Kalipeddam' from the movie is light on emotions and heav...Continue reading
'Anni Manchi Sakunamule' was last in the news when the song 'Sita Kalyana Vaibhogame' was released on Sri Rama Navami. The feel-good family drama is now back in the news, with a song titled 'Merise...Continue reading
Dil Raju is producing Thalapathy Vijay's 'Varasudu' ('Vaarisu' in Tamil). The Sri Venkateswara Creations supremo recently said in an interview that he has sold out the Tamil version to different di...Continue reading
Madhu Nekkanti alias Bezawada Bebakkai, the YouTube star, celebrates her birthday today. Born and brought up in Vijayawada, she has been settled in the US. An actress, singer, comedienne and mimicr...Continue reading
There are already reports that director Maruthi has commenced the shoot for a medium-budget film with actors Santosh Shobhan and Mehreen Pirzada, at an Aluminum factory in Hyderabad. Now, we are b...Continue reading
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