Naga Shaurya's 'Krishna Vrinda Vihari' is going to hit the cinemas on April 22. Helmed by Anish R Krishna and bankrolled by Ira Creations, the family entertainer is in the news over its Teaser. "Ge...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya had pinned high hopes on his film Narthanasala. Sadly for him the film flopped miserably. He thought that he will repeat the magic that he created with the film Chalo. Naga Shaurya is...Continue reading
Upon hearing this it felt like a similar ad in the magazine of the 'bride''s parents searching for a suitable 'groom' for their daughter. But this is the name of the movie. What you heard is true. ...Continue reading
Youthful entertainer ‘Nee Jathaleka’ that features young and successful hero Naga Shourya, Parul Gulati and Sarayu as the lead cast, is coming to audience on October 1. The film is the ...Continue reading
'Krishna Vrinda Vihari', which is helmed by Anish R Krishna and bankrolled by Ira Creations, will be released in theatres on September 23. On Wednesday, the film's title track was released. Featur...Continue reading
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