Aadesh Films is coming up with critically acclaimed female oriented movie titled ‘Pavithra’ featuring Shriya Saran in title role and Sai Kumar, Roja, Tanikella Bharani, Kaushik Babu, AVS in other...Continue reading
Sri Ramana’s ‘Mithunam’ is the pure Telugu story about the old couple who moulds their life beautifully despite their children settling abroad. There are only two characters in this film and it wa...Continue reading
The audio of Midhunam was released in the US, and has got a very good response. All songs are situational and classic. The album has 5 songs. Music is by Veenapani. 1. Aadi Dampathulu – K.J....Continue reading
Ravi Raj, who debuted in a feature film directed by Tanikella Bharani, went on to act in movies such as 'Nakshatram', 'Kirrak Party' and 'Vinara Sodara Veera Kumara'. 'HIT' is another of his import...Continue reading
Hero Sumanth’s youthful romantic entertainer on a bold sperm donation concept is arriving today in theatres as Naruda DONORuda. This film garnered immense curiosity among audience and film circles ...Continue reading
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