Tarun, Oviya starrer 'Idi Naa Love Story' is a romantic entertainer film directed by Ramesh Gopi, produced by AS Prakash and presented by Abhiram under Ram Entertainments Banner. The fi...Continue reading
One of Nagarjuna's big hit film was Soggade Chinni Nayana. This film was directed by Kalyan Krishna. Since the film was such a massive hit the sequel was on cards. News is doing rounds that the sc...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna is all set to entertain his audience in his upcoming movie Wild Dog. Nagarjuna as the ACP is to be seen in an action-packed role. The makers of Wild Dog have now kick-started the pro...Continue reading
The Jaganmohan Reddy government is reportedly mooting the idea of clamping down on benefit shows, special fan shows and surge pricing in the early days of the release of big-ticket movies. For year...Continue reading
Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu (MEK), the landmark game show on the Telugu Television screen, is all set to enthrall the audience once again. The game show that was watched by over 4 Crore Telugu TV a...Continue reading
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