'Sashi' held its pre-release event on Sunday. The film will release in theatres on March 19. Speaking on the occasion, lyricists Ananth Sriram, Bhaskarabhatla and Kalyan Chakravarthy spoke a...Continue reading
'Veyi Daruveyi' is the title of a new Sairam Shankar movie. Launched on Friday in the presence of Sharwanand, Allari Naresh and Vishwak Sen, the film has Yasha Shivakumar as the heroine. Directed b...Continue reading
On Sunday evening, the success event of 'Veera Simha Reddy' was held in Hyderabad. It was attended by the who's who of the Sankranthi hit. Balakrishna delivered a 30-minute-long speech, true to his...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen is going to witness a series of releases in the coming 12-15 months. On March 8, his much-delayed 'Gaami' will arrive at the cinemas. The film has him in the role of an Aghora who speak...Continue reading
'Madhuram' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by Rajesh Chikeli and produced by Bangarraju. Its First Look was today unveiled at the hands of 'Das Ka Dhamki' actor Vishwak Sen. Releasing t...Continue reading
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