'Samajavaragamana', starring Sree Vishnu, will head to theatres on June 29. A new song titled 'Hola Re Hola' from the upcoming release was released today. The song begins with a dispassionate kiss...Continue reading
'Arjuna Phalguna' will be released in theatres tomorrow (December 31). The team of the film has expressed utmost confidence in its content. Speaking at the pre-release event of the film, debutant ...Continue reading
'Appatlo Okadundevadu' which was released in the end of 2016 has left audience and critics in tears. Nara Rohit and Sree Vishnu have acted together in that film. The duo, who always entertains aud...Continue reading
'Sarileru Neekevvaru' director Anil Ravipudi, who celebrated his birthday on Monday, has participated in the Green India Challenge. He planted saplings in company with 'Brochevarevarura' actor Sree...Continue reading
The titles of Sree Vishnu's films have always struck a chaste note. After titles like 'Brochevarevarura', here is another literary title from him. 'Samajavaragamana' is its name. Its First Look was...Continue reading
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