Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej as the hero, the upcoming political thriller is titled 'Republic'. Zee Studios presents the movie Republic under the banner- JB Entertainments. Helmed by Devakatta, the...Continue reading
Everyone knows Sai Dharam Tej’s passion towards sports and Cricket but few know that Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej is an extreme lover of adventure sports. Sai Dharam Tej recently signed on as ...Continue reading
In a promotional interview for 'BRO', Sai Dharam Tej revealed that he was doing a short film. The same is going to be released soon. On Tuesday, the teaser for a song from the musical short was unv...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej and Mehreen starrer Jawaan has been postponed. The film will not be releasing on 1st September as announced by the makers. Reason for the delay is that the film does not want to fig...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej wants to fall in love or get married at the earliest. His single-hood is at stake. The culprit is 'Sita Ramam'. On Tuesday, the Mega hero took to social media and declared that the D...Continue reading
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