Tarakaratna and Panchi Bora starrer ‘Yamini Chandrasekhar’ is a scientific thriller on love backdrop that shows Tarakaratna as an investigative journalist. The film is the creation of cinematogr...Continue reading
'Saradhi', written and directed by Jaakata Ramesh, is produced by P Naresh Yadav, YS Krishna Murthy and P Siddeswara Rao. The news is that its motion poster has received a very good response as per...Continue reading
Disney+ Hotstar is ready with a Telugu-language web series. Titled '9 Hours', the same has been created by Krish Jagarlamudi, who is its show-runner. The news is that the series will start streamin...Continue reading
Taraka Ratna has been treated in a private hospital in Bengaluru for the past three days. He suffered a heart attack last Friday. Megastar Chiranjeevi on Tuesday morning took to social media and t...Continue reading
'Saradhi', starring Nandamuri Taraka Ratna as the hero, stars Kona Sashitha as the heroine. The film's first look motion poster was unveiled on Dasara. The makers are happy that the motion poster ...Continue reading
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