Anil Panguluri-directed 'Ksheera Sagara Madhanam' started streaming on Amazon Prime from September 4. Starring Manas Nagulapalli of Bigg Boss fame and Sanjay (son of Actor Brahmaji) as the lead act...Continue reading
Anil Panguluri is the director of the upcoming movie Ksheera Sagara Madhanam. Being it a movie about human relations and the emotional moments of seven individuals, the movie Ksheera Sagara Madhana...Continue reading
Manas and Sanam Shetty starrer ‘Premikudu’ has completed censor formalities and received ‘U/A’ certificate. Lakshmi Narayana Reddy and K Isanaka Reddy have produced the film under SS Cinemas banner...Continue reading
'Ksheera Sagara Madhanam', a movie made by a team of software professionals, is all set to head to the theatres on August 6. Directed by techie Anil Panguluri, the film has completed its post-produ...Continue reading
Maanas and Vishnu Priya have done a folk song that is produced by Jyothi Kunnur. Bheems Ceciroleo of 'Dhamaka' fame is its music director. A song composed by him and choreographed by Shrasti Verma ...Continue reading
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