'Pareshan' was released in theatres on June 2. Directed by Rupak Ronaldson, the film was released by Rana Daggubati on Suresh Productions. The news is that the film, touted to be the year's quirki...Continue reading
Rana is back in India, but is silent about his upcoming films. He has not joined the shooting of his films. Rana is tight lipped about his films and health condition. In was said that he will join ...Continue reading
With College Days and Neeli Meghama songs composed by Anup Bhandari and written by Ramjogayya Sastry from ‘Rajaratham’ making waves, here is an interesting behind the scene story for al...Continue reading
'Viraata Parvam' stars Rana Daggubati and Sai Pallavi as a revolutionary and his romantic interest-cum-spiritual fan, respectively. In February, a song titled 'Kolu Kolu', composed by Suresh Bobbil...Continue reading
Rana Daggubati and Sai Pallavi starrer Virata Parvam is carrying decent expectations since its inception. The film has already completed its shoot and is waiting for its release. It is heard that t...Continue reading
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