'Bangarraju', starring Akkineni Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya in the lead, is currently in the making under the aegis of director Kalyan Krishna Kurasala. Already, we have listened to two songs from...Continue reading
The talk of the town is that Akhil Akkineni will be essaying the role of a tribal person who fiercely protects his land in his upcoming movie, which is yet to be given a name. The to-be-shot film w...Continue reading
The successful pair of ‘Ye Maya Chesave’ Naga Chaitanya and Samantha is presently working together for Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’. K Atchi Reddy is producing this flick under Macs India Produc...Continue reading
'Thank You', which will be released in theatres on July 8, has Naga Chaitanya in the role of a self-centered businessman named Abhi. Director Vikram K Kumar has worked on BVS Ravi's story. Raashi K...Continue reading
After the sensational hit film ‘Ye Maya Chesave’ Yuvasamrat Naga Chaitanya is coming up with yet another romantic entertainer titled ‘100% Love’. With Tamanna as his costar, this youthful love sto...Continue reading
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