A day ahead of the release of 'Jawan', Mahesh Babu tweeted that the frenzy and power of Shah Rukh Khan were on full display. He added that he wishes that the film becomes an all-time blockbuster su...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu starrer 'Bharath Ane Nenu' will start its next schedule from the 13th December. This schedule will continue till the 26th of December. The makers say that the film is progressing as pla...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu will be in the US for sometime. He will be shooting for his film Maharshi. Meanwhile he was also to attend a fund raising event for Movie Artistes' Association (MAA). But with the ongoi...Continue reading
The first song of Bharath Ane Nenu is out and it has already become a massive hit. There is no stopping this song now as it has become a massive hit. Already the song has clinched five million clic...Continue reading
As the release date (September 23rd) is nearing, the ‘Dhookudu’ unit is gearing up to complete the shooting part of the film. On the other hand, the post production works are also going on at a fa...Continue reading
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