'The Fog' is an upcoming thriller starring Virat Chandra, Chandana Koppisetty, Harini, Ajay Ghosh, Nandu, Supriya, Praneetha and Pramod. Directed by Sudhan, the movie will release on February 5. T...Continue reading
‘Pichiga Nachav’ has already created lot of anticipation among audience right from its catchy title to the posters. Now the teaser is doing halchal in social media with its different ba...Continue reading
Nandu, Noel and Punarnavi as the lead cast, ‘Enduko Emo’ is being made under Maheswara Creations banner. Koti Vaddineni is the director. Malathi Vaddineni is producing the film. Recentl...Continue reading
Thrillers are of various kinds: crime, mystery, dark and so on, so forth. How about a robbery thriller. That's what '1134' is. Written, edited and helmed by Ssharadh Chandra Tadimeti, the upcoming ...Continue reading
Happening young hero Nandu starrer romantic comedy and family entertainer ‘Inthalo Enneni Vinthalo’ has completed all formalities and gearing up for release on April 6. Hari Hara Chalan...Continue reading
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