Actor Nithiin on Friday shared the news of his wife Shalini giving birth to a healthy baby boy. He described the newborn as the "newest star" of the family. "We are delighted to share that actor N...Continue reading
First single ‘Ga Gha Megha’ from Nithin’s ‘Chal Mohan Ranga’ is releasing tomorrow at 10 am through Mango Music label. Hero Nithin announced the news through his ...Continue reading
Nithiin-Krithi Shetty's starrer 'Macherla Niyojakavargam', is all set for a release on August 12, it's USA Premieres on August 11th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release ...Continue reading
Nithiin's 'Macherla Niyojakavargam' is hitting the cinemas on August 12 in a big way. Krithi Shetty is the film's heroine. After the unveiling of the film's first song 'Chill Maro Chill Maro', the ...Continue reading
Two of December's important releases have locked their OTT release dates. One of them is a spy thriller, while the other one is an action comedy entertainer. Nandamuri Kalyanram's 'Devil', which w...Continue reading
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