Hero Nithiin, who is one of the most popular young heroes of Tollywood has come up with a unique title and poster from his upcoming movie. Being directed by MS Raja Shekhar Reddy, Nithiin's upcomin...Continue reading
Puri Jagannadh’s ‘Heart Attack’ is currently taking shape briskly in Hyderabad. Nithin and Aada Sharma are playing the lead pair in this romantic entertainer. Shooting will continue in Hyderabad ...Continue reading
Veteran actress Vijaya Nirmal is no more. Tollywood has lost one of the greatest actress. Politicians and actors tweeted their tributes. Here are some of them. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of In...Continue reading
Trivikram has weaved a celluloid magic once again. His film A Aa is creating ripples everywhere. Specifically in the US this film is captivating the audiences. His earlier films have also worked we...Continue reading
Trivikram’s A Aa is all set and ready to release on 2nd June. From this weekend onwards the A Aa team has planned heavy promotional activity for the film. Sources close to the team say that directo...Continue reading
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