'Ishq', starring Teja Sajja and Priya Varrier, will release on April 23. Today, Mega hero Sai Tej unveiled its trailer. Speaking on the occasion, producer Vakada Apparao said, "Super Good Films an...Continue reading
Sai Tej's next, 'Solo Brathuke So Better', theme video has been released and as the title suggests the protagonist believes that "it's better to be single". Released on the eve of Valentine's day, ...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej and Lavanya Tripathi starrer ‘Intelligent’ is all set for release on February 9. VV Vinayak is directing the flick. Slender beauty Lavanya Tripathi is playing the lead ro...Continue reading
The trailer of 'Solo Brathuke So Better', starring Sai Dharam Tej in the lead, was released on Saturday. It starts off with the hero saying that tying the knot is nothing but killing our own fundam...Continue reading
SS Thaman has promised that the second single from 'Solo Bratuke So Better', titled 'Hey Idi Nenena', will make the listeners go high. The single will be released at 10am, on August 26. Since the...Continue reading
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