Telugu filmmaker Krish Jagarlamudi was recently named in connection with the Raddison Blu drugs case in Hyderabad. As per an English daily report, the 'Gautamiputra Satakarni' director has conveyed...Continue reading
The critically acclaimed director Krish has succeeded in winning the hearts of Tamil audience with ‘Vaanam’, the Tamil remake of ‘Vedam’. He claimed that he made changes in Rehaman’s character, pl...Continue reading
Krish Jagarlamudi-directed 'Hari Hara Veera Mallu' is in the news on the occasion of Power Star's birthday. Presenter AM Rathnam and producer Dayakar Rao today unveiled a new poster marking the her...Continue reading
'Hari Hara Veera Mallu' is going to be released in two parts. The Teaser for the first installment was released today by presenter AM Ratnam. Interestingly, the film has been credited to two direct...Continue reading
The other day, a breakup anthem titled 'Ori Vaari' from 'Dasara' was out. Here is another breakup anthem in less than a week. The heartbreak anthem is from an upcoming movie titled 'O Saathiya', w...Continue reading
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