Krishnam Raju, the veteran actor who was known as the Rebel Star in his heyday as a matinee idol, is no more. He passed away in the wee hours of Sunday. Aged 83, he is survived by his wife a...Continue reading
Priyamani’s heroine centric film ‘Chandi’ which was supposed to release on October 4th got postponed due to some technical problems. However, director Samudra says that the film will be released in...Continue reading
Yet another person from Rebel star Krishnam Raju’s family is all set to turn hero. He is none other than the child artist who was seen as junior Mahesh Babu in ‘Nani’. Siddharth...Continue reading
Yester year movie ‘Illu Illalu’ starring Superstar Krishna, Rebel star Krishnam Raju and Vanisree has successfully completed 40 years. Screenplayed and directed by P Chandra Sekhara Reddy, ‘Il...Continue reading
'Kalyanamasthu' is an upcoming movie starring Sekhar Varma and Vaibhavi Rao in lead roles. A romantic and action entertainer, a song from the movie is out. Titled 'Neevalle Neevalle', it was releas...Continue reading
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