Sriram Aditya is directing the film staring Nani and Nagarjuna. There was a news doing rounds recently that this film is a remake of the Hindi film Jhonny Gaddar. Director Sriram Aditya says that ...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani is all set to appear on the screen, with his upcoming movie 'Tuck Jagadish' prepping up for its grand release. Starring Ritu Varma as the female lead opposite Nani, this movie is ...Continue reading
The music of Nani-Nitya Menon’s ‘Sega’ will hit the stands on May 5th. ‘Sega’ is a bilingual film being directed by a new female director Anjana. Ashok Vallabhaneni is producing the Telugu versio...Continue reading
Nani, who is popular for his natural performance and boy next door image, has earned much craze among audience with five consecutive successes ‘Yevade Subramanyam’, ‘Bhale Bhale M...Continue reading
'Saripodhaa Sanivaaram' is Nani's 31st film and is ostensibly his biggest gamble. 'Dasara' was an actioner tinged with heavy-duty emotions, yes. But Nani31 is a bigger project in terms of scale and...Continue reading
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