Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has participated in the Haritha Haaram drive. The 'Munnabhai MBBS' actor planted eight saplings in the premises of Gacchibowli's Aluminium Factory in Hyderabad. ...Continue reading
It is a normal thing that many people who are not even involved in the movie are being credited with a note of thanks at the start of the ending of the title cards. But, a name in one of the most r...Continue reading
In July 2007, Sanjay Dutt was convicted and sentenced to a six-year jail term for being in possession of an AK-56 rifle and his connection with the 1993 Mumbai blasts. In his latest interview, acto...Continue reading
Sanjay Dutt, who was recently ordered to complete five year jail sentence for the illegal possession of machine gun from one of the terrorists involved in 1993 Mumbai blasts, caused worry to all ...Continue reading
REAL HEROES ARE BACK WITH ‘DEPARTMENT’ RELEASING ON 18TH MAY! Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt and Rana Daggubati bring together a power packed film extravaganza! It’s time to get raw, as re...Continue reading
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