'Jai Bhim' director TJ Gnanavel will be directing a socio-legal drama titled 'Dosa King'. The film revolves around a sensational murder case that led to the downfall of a millionaire. You must hav...Continue reading
Kollywood director Pandiraj's 'ET' stars Suriya in the role of a social fighter who takes on a gang of anti-women squads in a village. The lavish action drama, which is also a semi-family entertain...Continue reading
Tamil Superstar Surya has carved a special image for himself in the hearts of Telugu audience also as a superb crazy hero with the films like ‘Gajini’ and ‘Yamudu’. Pandiraj stood as care of addres...Continue reading
Suriya awaits the theatrical release of 'ET' on March 10, just a day before the arrival of the Tsunami called 'Radhe Shyam'. In the Telugu States, the Prabhas-starrer has got incomparably higher cr...Continue reading
Surya’s latest film ‘Maatran’ costarring Kajal Agarwal has been titled ‘Duplicate’ for its Telugu version. This movie was directed by K V Anand, who shot to fame with his first production venture...Continue reading
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