Nagarjuna’s ‘Rajanna’ which is being directed by Viyayendra Prasad and produced by Nagarjuna himself under Annapurna Studios banner is a period film set on Telangana Razak movement backdrop. The f...Continue reading
It was earlier reported that King Akkineni Nagarjuna is all set to begin a movie with his son Naga Chaitanya. Nagarjuna is one of the actors who explored almost every genre in his decades long car...Continue reading
'The Ghost' stars Akkineni Nagarjuna and Sonal Chauhan as Interpol officers. Helmed by Praveen Sattaru, the film is heading to theatres on October 5. And October 5. The news is that the film's pro...Continue reading
Title for Nag’s new socio-fantasy flick has changed from ‘Damarukam’ to ‘Dhamarukamm’. The movie is releasing worldwide tomorrow and the makers have released the new posters indicating the change ...Continue reading
We all know that king Nagarjuna is sharing the screen space with Tamil actor Karthi for a bi-lingual multi-starrer film. This yet to be titled film is the Telugu and Tamil remake of biggest box off...Continue reading
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