Akram Suresh as hero, a film titled ‘Rana Akram’ is being produced under Rajadhani Amaravathi Movies baner. The film which started rolling from January, has completed 60% of the talkie ...Continue reading
'Story, Screenplay, Director' is the title of an upcoming entertainer directed by Katla Rajendra Prasad. Katla Immortal, Amma Rajasekhar, Alisha, Shalini, senior artist Suman, Brahmaji, Ali, Chamma...Continue reading
'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The Banjara film is targeted to reach 18 crore Banjaras living in 64 countries. The film w...Continue reading
‘Ratnavali’ is about a woman who believes that it is her responsibility to make her better half go on the right path to reach his goal. She is none other than the great poet Tulasi Das’s wife. Hi...Continue reading
‘Veerangam’ starring Akshay, Sandeepthi, Suman and Shyamala Devi which is directed by Vemuganti and produced by C L Srinivas Yadav have successfully completed the post production works as well as t...Continue reading
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