'Samudrudu', an action entertainer produced by Keerthana Productions, starring Ramakanth, Avantika, and Bhanushree in the lead roles and directed by Nagesh Naradasi, has completed all its formaliti...Continue reading
'Jaan Say' is touted to be a new-age crime thriller directed by debutant S Kiran Kumar. Produced by Krithi Entertainment Productions, the film is also written by its debutant director. The film's p...Continue reading
'Sexy Star' is an upcoming movie starring Lion Kuppili Srinivas as the hero. 'O Koduku Vyadha' is its tagline. Directed by Katla Rajendra Prasad, the film is in the post-production phase. Its titl...Continue reading
In May 1985, actor Suman was arrested under a draconian Act passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly. At that time, he was the most sought-after romantic hero in Tamil cinema and his popularity was on the...Continue reading
'Rangaswamy', written, directed and produced by K Narasimha Chari, stars Maruti Sakaram, Meenakshi Reddy and others. Its trailer was today unveiled at the hands of Suman. Bhaskar Reddy, Chilam Sre...Continue reading
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