Sunil and Dhanraj in the lead roles, the upcoming movie Bujji Ilaa Raa is prepping up for its release soon. Touted to be a psychological thriller, Bujji Ilaa Raa is captioned- Psychological Thrille...Continue reading
A huge budget film with Sunil as hero and Vamsi Krishna Akella as director, is being planned by the producer R Sudarshan Reddy under a prominent production house RPA Creations. Vamsi Krishna Akell...Continue reading
While Sunil’s comedy flick ‘Poola Rangadu’ is hitting theaters worldwide on February 18th as Maha Sivaratri gift, there are three more films in the race that are coming to theaters a day before i.e...Continue reading
Sunil and Mia George starrer ‘Ungarala Rambabau’ directed by Kranthi Madhav is all set to release worldwide grandly on September 15th. Paruchuri Kireeti who made several successfu...Continue reading
In the teaser for 'Katha Venuka Katha', Viswanath comes across both as an informer and a suspect. Is there more to it than meets the eye? What takes off as a missing-girls thriller soon becomes a m...Continue reading
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