Young actor Vishwant's next movie has been announced. Co-starring Subha Sri, the film is produced by Dandamudi Box Office and Sai Sravanthi Movies. A suspense thriller, the film also features come...Continue reading
Sunil was offered the role of Chiranjeevi’s sidekick in the latter 150th film. But Sunil could not be a part of it due to date issues. Sunil was heartbroken he says. He later approached the makers ...Continue reading
Hero Sunil, who carved a special niche for himself as star comedian and bagging consecutive success as hero, has given green signal to another film. Kranthi Madhav, who won critical acclaims with t...Continue reading
Sunil, who was recently seen in the OTT release 'Colour Photo', on Monday planted saplings as part of the Haritha Haaram project. The versatile actor did this as a response to TRS MP J Santosh Kuma...Continue reading
As mentioned earlier Madhavan-Kangana Raunat’s super hit film ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ is going to be remade in Telugu. While it was mentioned earlier that Sunil will play the role of Madhavan, the latest...Continue reading
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