Vijay Deverakonda has a new home in Film Nagar in Hyderabad. He has spent over Rs 15 Crore for this new house. The actor had a small house warming ceremony last week which was attended by his famil...Continue reading
Tharun Bhascker's crime comedy 'Keedaa Cola' is slated to hit the cinemas on November 3. Its pre-release event was held on Sunday. Speaking on the occasion, legendary comedian Brahmanandam, who pl...Continue reading
It was Samantha's birthday on April 28. She has been shooting for VD11 in Kashmir. As the clock struck 12 at the midnight, the core team of the movie, especially Vijay Deverakonda, planned a pleasa...Continue reading
There were rumours that Bollywood's heroine Jahnavi Kapoor had refused to act with Tollywood hero Vijay Deverakonda. But this seems to be false. Recently Jahnavi came to the popular TV show 'Coffe...Continue reading
Naveen Polishetty has cemented his position in the middle-rung order of Telugu cinema. He is now in the league of Nani and Vijay Deverakonda with the release of 'Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty'. The fi...Continue reading
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