The ‘Uyyala Jampala’ duo Raj Tarun-Avika Gor has once again paired up for a film titled ‘Cinema Choopistha Mava’. Anji Reddy, Rupesh D Gopal, Raja Sekhar Reddy and Bekkem Venugopal (Gopi) are joint...Continue reading
Raj Tarun and Sandeep Madhav as the lead actors, CH Sudheer Raju is all set to direct their upcoming movie titled 'Mass Maharaju'. Gathered early at the Rama Naidu Studios, the makers had arranged ...Continue reading
As per a police complaint lodged by a woman named Lavanya, actor Raj Tarun now faces an FIR. The Narsingi police have named him as Accused No. 1 in the FIR. His 'Tiragabadara Saami' co-star Malvi M...Continue reading
Hat-trick hero Raj Tarun has become the most sought after hero in Tollywood. The young hero, who impressed family audience with the recently released ‘Eedo Rakam Aado Rakam’ which was made under AK...Continue reading
Producers of ‘Cinema Choopistha Mava’ starring ‘Uyyala Jampala’ duo Raj Tarun-Avika Gor, are making plans to release the film on August 14. The film which is being directed by ‘Mem Vayasuku Vacham’...Continue reading
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