Kalakeya character in ‘Baahubali’ needs no special introduction. Rajamouli’s creation Kalakeya role portrayed by Prabhakar, is well received by audience. A film titled ‘Kala...Continue reading
'Allantha Duraana' stars Vishwa Karthikeya, a former child artist, as the hero. Hrithika Srinivasan, who is the niece of actress Aamani, is its heroine. Directed by Chalapathi Puvvala, the film has...Continue reading
Producer D Suresh Babu and comedy actor Ali are in the news for lodging a police complaint against the same person. The person in question is one Nagarjuna Reddy, who allegedly promised to deliver ...Continue reading
‘Juliet Lover of Idiot’, starring Naveen Chandra and Nivetha Thomas in lead roles, will hit the theaters on December 15. Directed by Ajay Vodhirala, the film is being produced by KR Rag...Continue reading
'S5' is a horror-thriller directed by Sunny Komalapati, the dance master. 'No Exit' is its caption. Sai Kumar, Ali, Nandamuri Tarakaratna, Sunil and Prince are playing key roles in the movie. Produ...Continue reading
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