New shooting schedule of Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram’s movie tentatively titled ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’ will begin on June 5th in Spain. The film has Samantha in female lead role opposite Pawan Kal...Continue reading
After ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’, NTR is currently doing the film under Santosh Srinivas’ direction. Title ‘Joru’ is being considered for this film. Samantha and Praneetha are the leading ladies. Sho...Continue reading
Samantha was only seen in the first half of 2016. Then came her affair with Naga Chaitanya and the woman got busy preparing for her engagement and wedding. Chay pushed the wedding to mid 2017 and S...Continue reading
V V Vinayak’s new film introducing Bellamkonda Srinivas as hero is on the way as the unit appears to be considering the title ‘Alludu Sreenu’. Yes, this is the title that is making rounds on the w...Continue reading
Shiva Nirvana is extremely happy that his film Majili has shaped up well. He says that lot of things that we will see in this film are real instances that happened in his life. Samantha was not th...Continue reading
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