Varun Sandesh-Nisha Afarwal’s latest untitled film which is being directed by Bhanu Shankar and produced by Pattikonda Kumar Swamy has successfully completed 90% of its shooting part. The title of...Continue reading
Sai Kumar’s son Aadi entered the film industry with a successful movie ‘Prema Kavali’. His recent release ‘Lovely’ has made him reach the audience even further. His third film is likely to take o...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan and Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘D K Bose’ has reached the final leg of shooting with just two songs left for shooting. This movie is a mix of love and entertainment in which the love sce...Continue reading
Lovely Rockstar Aadi and Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘Sukumarudu’ is a family entertainer taking shape in the hands of director Ashok with K Venu Gopal as producer. The film is being made on Soudamini C...Continue reading
As mentioned yesterday, the first look poster of Sundeep Kishan’s ‘DK Bose’ was unveiled in twitter by tennis star Sania Mirza and actor Siddharth on their respective twitter accounts just a few ...Continue reading
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