'Mani Shankar' is an upcoming movie starring Siva Kantamaneni, Sanjjanaa Galrani, Priya Hegde, and Chanakya in the main roles. G Venkat Krishnan has wielded the megaphone. Today, the film's teaser ...Continue reading
Real star Dr Srihari and Jayanth (S/O Bhanuchander) in lead roles and Swetha Basu Prasad, Sanjjanna and Gurlin Chopra as heroines in the movie ‘Shiv Kesav’, directed by RV Subrahmaniam and produced...Continue reading
'Bujjigadu' actress Sanjjanaa Galrani owns a Foundation that has been into humanitarian works. Her team is currently serving 600 meals a day to the needy. Through her volunteers, the Kannada actres...Continue reading
'Mani Shankar' is an upcoming movie starring Siva Kantamaneni, Sanjjanaa Galrani, Priya Hegde, and Chanakya in the main roles. G Venkat Krishnan has wielded the megaphone. At the film's audio rele...Continue reading
Actress Sanjjjanaa is all excited about her back-to-back releases coming up shortly. On the other hand she appears a little worried due to release dates of the two films being very close as they w...Continue reading
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